Sharing Our Easter Story

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by Rachel Jones
15 Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” 16 Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew,[b] “Rabbouni!” (which means Teacher). 
-John 20:15-18.
Every weekday morning at 10am the staff of Forward Movement’s main office in Cincinnati gather around our conference table to read the daily meditation in Forward Day by Day and to pray together. We share the prayer concerns of our readers who have submitted requests online or over the phone, as well as our own.
Sometimes we hear stories from our readers that sound just like the one John tells us, today. Life can sometimes have a way of making us forget our identity as Easter people, and we end up crying our eyes out, feeling as alone as we have ever felt. One lady named Miss E (name redacted to protect her identity) called us shortly before her 100th birthday. Miss E had been struggling to feel joyful about life, wondering what possibly Jesus could want with her. And one morning, she read a meditation by Nancy Hopkins-Greene that helped her to find her Easter again.
Miss E was so moved that she called us to share this good news. I cannot tell you what a blessing and joy it was to hear Vicki (our customer service representative who took the call) share that story around our conference table. Miss E shared her Easter with her church family, and sent us pictures of her birthday party–and treated us all to donuts. Miss E’s story is one of those we periodically pull out and marvel over, to remind ourselves that Easter is happening, all around us.
Miss E and Mary Magdalene were both at lose ends when they each heard Jesus call their name, comfort their ache, and call them to share the good news of his Resurrection and our redemption. Thanks be to God for their witnesses to us and to the world.
How has Easter been made real in your life? Pick three people to share this story with, and encourage them to share their own with you and three others. You can also share your Easter moments on Twitter–use #50days and #resurrection to shout back at us!
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