The royal feast of feasts
April 19, 2021
- Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
of triumphant gladness!
God hath brought his Israel
into joy from sadness:
loosed from Pharaoh’s bitter yoke
Jacob’s sons and daughters,
led them with unmoistened foot
through the Red Sea waters. - ‘Tis the spring of souls today:
Christ hath burst his prison,
and from three days’ sleep in death
as a sun hath risen;
all the winter of our sins,
long and dark, is flying
from his light, to whom we give
laud and praise undying. - Now the queen of seasons, bright
with the day of splendor,
with the royal feast of feasts,
comes its joy to render;
comes to glad Jerusalem,
who with true affection
welcomes in unwearied strains
Jesus’ resurrection. - Neither might the gates of death,
nor the tomb’s dark portal,
nor the watchers, nor the seal
hold thee as a mortal:
but today amidst thine own
thou didst stand, bestowing
that thy peace which evermore
passeth human knowing.
John of Damascus (c. 675-749)
Trans. John Mason Neale (1818-1866)
This is one of the magnificent hymns of the Easter season. Like several other hymns, this one harkens back to the Passover, making it especially appropriate at the Great Vigil of Easter. I love the third verse, which moves beyond celebration of the events of our salvation history and the original Easter and on to our celebration of the Easter season. “Now the queen of seasons, bright / with the day of splendor, / with the royal feast of feasts, / comes its joy to render.”
It’s a wonderful reminder that the whole season of Easter is a gift to us, a fitting way for us to render our thanks and praise for all that God has done for us. In other words, we’re not doing all this to be liturgically correct but rather because God the Son was raised from the dead, opening the gates of paradise.
We’re also celebrating all the times God has worked in history to save us (“unmoistened foot,” anyone?). I hope we also see that the retelling of God’s past deeds is a way of reiterating the promise that God will continue to care for us in the years and centuries and millennia to come.
We’re a little over a third of the way through our fifty-day Easter extravaganza. It’s a good time to take stock. What do you love about Easter? How can you use the rest of the season to render your thanks and praise?
Photo of St. Thomas Church, New York City by Flickr user Miguel Mendez.
Sharron Hanna
stirring start to the week !
Richard the Chalice Bearer
Thanks so much, for providing these daily reflections for the 50 days of Easter. I don’t know if you did it in previous years, but this is the first time I’ve been on the receiving end, and it has been a gift to me this year. What do I love about Easter? Much of what I love about Lent applies to Easter as well. Holy seasons promote reflection of my relationship to God and remind me of Jesus’ love for me, no matter how imperfect and broken I am. They are daily reminders to keep God forefront in my mind and heart. Easter, particularly because it is a time of celebration of Christ’s victory over death, reminds me to be grateful for my personal victories and that everything wonderful in this world has been provided to me through God’s grace.
Thank you, Scott, and thank you, God.
Verdery Kassebaum
In this time when we aren’t allowed to sing in church, it is wonderful to be able to sing this stirring hymn, even it only in my mind.
Thank you!
Verdery Kassebaum
IF only in my mind. (wake up, fingers!)
Emily Knox
Sacred Ordinary Days (https://sacredordinarydays.com/) recommended that you “Take up a fifty-day practice, in contrast to the forty-day fast of Lent, that promotes joy, freedom, and celebration.” I have done this and it has made the season more present in my life.
These daily reflections are a wonderful reminder of God’s continuous love for us. They have been a great source of comfort and a shield with which to face a world which is reflecting so much anger and unpleasantness.