May 1, 2022
This year, I will be 27 years old. Thinking about turning 27 feels…younger, somehow, than aging has felt up until now. Twenty-seven follows many years of firsts: with 26 arrived my first apartment, with 25 arrived my first car purchase, with 24 arrived my first trip across an ocean. With 23 arrived the first time I ever really and truly stood up for myself.
The firsts have been exhausting; perhaps that’s why turning 27 doesn’t really feel like a year older. Or perhaps I am finally tasting that which I’ve heard all this time: “I don’t feel [insert age here]. I feel like I always did.” As proud as I am of having done so much—as privileged as I have been in certain scenarios to do so much—I crave the mundane even as I find myself finally settling into it. I just graduated with my Master’s degree in music technology (as in, days ago!), and I crave the feeling of no longer reaching for a goal that has been on my heart and mind for nearly ten years—to just wake up, go to a job, and that’s it. The exhaustion I feel sitting deep, so deep I almost don’t understand the feeling itself, leads me to thinking about what Jesus might have felt. Years spent advocating and teaching and convincing and leading. To be betrayed. And when that betrayal finally laid to rest, I just wonder what Jesus’s rest in death truly must have been like. And I don’t wonder in a way that glorifies Jesus’s death or implies that this is something that I am searching for. Rather, I wonder in a way that adds weight to Jesus’s life—his human life. There were feelings, frustrations, hopes and joys and really hard work. All of this! And Jesus faced resurrection for us still.
Jesus’s resurrection amidst the disbelief allows me to view my weariness of firsts as a journey just like his was, to see my own endeavors as me. In one way, I yearn for rest after running endlessly through growth, and I realize that in another way, I yearn for myself. Amidst this deep desire for a decidedly uninteresting period, I find that maybe, I love and admire myself. I like how Nia is settling into Nia.
With 27, I am realizing that Nia as Nia is beloved.
Alan Herendich
I would call the change you have been going through, growth. Growth in the realization of who God created you to be and what your place in creation can be. I understand your weariness in this process. However, don’t think it will be mundane for long. If you are listening to God and yourself, you will continue to move through innumerable firsts in your life. You may well feel that you are the same as you were at age 20, (as I do now at age 74,) but you will continue to grow in experience and knowledge of the full human being that God created. Embrace the adventure of life and firsts every day and never imagine that you are a finished product.
Carolyn Markson
Congratulations and Best Wishes Dear Nia❤️
Virginia McCord
You are a wise child of God. I am 74 years young and still yearn for peace and rest.