Power and fire
May 26, 2023
“Clothed with power from on high.” Luke 24:49
In two days, the Spirit will come to us and clothe us with power. This power will equip us to continue the ministry and work of Christ in the world. This power will confirm in us what Christ has taught and shown to be God’s way, which we now share with others. This power will continue the work of resurrection in us. This power will give us the energy to be our true selves, live lives of love, and be blessed so that we may be blessings. This power will set us on fire.
Power and fire.
Handle both responsibly.
A way to prepare for the power and responsibility we will soon be given is to understand that we are entrusted with them. We do not own them. We cannot claim them. They come from on high and are given, but they remain God’s. Always remember the source. Always acknowledge the source. When the Source is remembered, the danger of being overpowered, lost, consumed, or ego-claiming credit is prevented. This is true humility. The power and the fire are God’s; we get to wear them as garments of grace.
Today, to prepare for Pentecost, think of someone who wears and holds power well. How does their living and attitude, actions, and choices illustrate the carrying of charism with responsibility and humility?
Today, pray and prepare to receive the holy fire of God—the fire that will clothe but not consume you. Spend time today intentionally barefoot. When Moses approached the burning bush on Mount Horeb, God instructed him to remove his sandals (Exodus 3:1-17). Holy Ground and Holy Fire that burns but does not consume demands feet firmly rooted on the path. Pray without shoes.
Prayer: God, make me ready to receive you. May the risen life center and ground me so that I may carry your fire with humility and generosity. For yours is the power and the glory. Amen. Alleluia.