Tend the hearth
May 27, 2023
“…clothed with power from on high.” Luke 24:29
Tomorrow the Holy Spirit will come. Tomorrow the work of the resurrection will be confirmed and further enlivened in us. We receive power from on high. New clothes.
The fire and wind of the Spirit do not consume. The power from on high, when conveyed in Pentecost, does not replace who we are. It does not blot out who we have been up until this moment. We remain fully ourselves—but more so. We are changed. We are made more. We become more. More alive. The Spirit doesn’t eradicate; it augments. It doesn’t dampen; it ignites. God’s math in Pentecost is addition, not subtraction.
Energized and amplified.
Fueled and fired up.
Tomorrow the Risen One’s promise will be fulfilled, and the Holy Spirit will find us.
New words, bold speech, new ways, fearless faith.
Today tend the hearth of your heart to prepare it to be set aflame. Honor the love and new life that the Risen One has placed there to be the kindling for Spirit’s power. Be assured that you will not be lost in the power bestowed and given. You are safe in God. Prepare to be made more than what you presently are in the Risen Life. Get ready for the power to be received. Get ready for miracles to be made through you. Get ready to unbolt the doors of fear and step into the world God calls us to rescue, recover and restore to life.
The Spirit will give us what we need. We will be clothed in God’s power and glory.
Prayer: Prepare me for your coming Holy Spirit, O God. Find me tomorrow and set me on fire for your love and life. Dress me in power through the Spirit and the Living Christ. Alleluia. Amen.
Photo: István Asztalos from Pixabay