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by Wyndee Holbrook

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6 NIV


Do you wake up hungry? I don’t. I wake up knowing I should eat, but it’s not really a priority at that point in my day. I do however try to eat before I leave my house, because if I don’t there are consequences.  Obnoxious sounds from my stomach followed by impatience in my tone are the result of skipping this “most important meal of the day.”

I don’t typically eat much for breakfast. I can’t really say it’s all that well balanced either, but it is enough to see me through until lunch. Yes, I know I should eat breakfast. Doctors agree and my general health and demeanor bear it out. Why then do I ever let my morning get too cluttered to take in a few bites?

Eating and drinking, or taking in what is needed is an easy metaphor for the life of the spirit. And though I’m much better at keeping my stomach fed than my soul, my need for food is real whether I’m thinking about it or not.

Is this what Jesus means by this verse from the Sermon on the Mount?  “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.” Are those the folks who wake up to the need of their souls eager to do something about it???

Righteousness is a right relationship with God and with others. Can others tell when we ignore this type of nourishment? Do we notice what’s missing? And, if we do realize we’re undernourished, do we offer ourselves to be filled?

When I eat my light breakfast I am satisfied, I don’t need a heavy meal. I need enough to see me through until the next meal. How does that translate to feeding one’s soul?

Jesus says if we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we will be filled. Will you be filled?

State aloud one choice you will make today to intentionally live rightly aligned with your Creator and with your neighbor? Now write it down and come back to it before bed.  Were you filled? If not, what may help you be filled?

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