Celebrate the Fullness of Easter
March 20, 2024
In the Easter season, we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, in which death is defeated, sin is conquered, and evil is vanquished. We get 50 whole days to celebrate the glory of Easter. And we need it. It’s not easy to grasp the mystery and majesty of what happened when Jesus walked out of the tomb on Easter morning.
In the church, we often spend a lot of energy on Lent but not as much energy on the Easter season. 50 Days is here to help you celebrate the fullness of Easter in your personal reflections this season.

This year, we bring you weekly reflections from Seth Reese and Stella Maria Baer. Seth and Stella live with their three children, two horses, two dogs, and five goats at Moon Horse Ranch in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Seth’s weekly reflections are inspired by Stella’s artwork, and will explore the cosmic and the terrestrial; how God speaks to us from the earth and the stars; the cycles of seasons, growth, and faith; and how our deep theological tradition can speak into our lives today.
To learn more about Seth and Stella, join our email list for reminders when each reflection is posted.